Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hello Summer

The northeast is in the midst of a heat wave. With temperatures over the weekend reaching nearly triple digits, I've determined that summer is officially here. I'm a big warm weather fan, but I really can't stand trying to fall asleep with night time temperatures well into the eighties and a window air conditioning unit that struggles to blow cold air. Although the weather has been miserable at times, I'm realizing anew that I really do live in a great part of the country. One of the main reasons I say this is because between home and work I'm either 5 or 15 minutes from the beach. Sunday and Monday were beach days and the surfing was great even though the waves were small. Below are pictures of the New Hampshire coast.

1 comment:

cb said...

hey ric!

i didn't know you had a blog (found the link on facebook). so many yps have them these days. very fun. have you read any of the other blogs from our ecc crew? I know Johnny, Brian and Christina have them.

i'm curious about your blog title: Penance. How did you pick that?